Master Plan Discussion March 30th

The Carson City consultant for the Master Plan will hold a discussion from 1PM to 3PM , Saturday March 30th at the Carson City Library, 900 Roop St. The city is seeking public input the master plan update through a series of public meetings. The city’s consultant Clarion Associates, will be on hand to participate in the discussion and answer … Read More

Workshop: Qualities of an Effective Elected Official

Saturday April 27th at 9AM in the Ormsby Room, 911E Musser St, Carson City What should voters consider to select their elected representative?Successful qualities and behaviors of elected officials dedicated to public service. Free to attend. Email for more information.

Carson City Master Plan Discussion

March 16 at 1PM, in the Ormsby Room, 911 Musser St. Carson City Master Plan revisions?   What can you live with in Carson City?  Influence your future with timely feedback or suffer from the changed landscape planned by the City. 

Town Hall Meeting

General Improvement District (GID) for Carson City? February 17, 2024, 10:30AM at the Ormsby Room, 911 E. Musser St., Carson City What is good for the residents? Will it improve asphalt replacement of localĀ roads? Will it prolong past practice of prioritization regional roads while local roads go to gravel even after paying new taxes?

Two Counties; Two Approaches

January 20, 2024, Ormsby Room 911 E. Musser St, Carson City Two Counties – Two Sheriffs – Different approaches. Discussion on approaches to law enforcement in Carson City and Douglas County. Which is working best for residents in each county?

Party and Fund Raiser December 16, 2023

Saturday December 16th 4-7PM at the Nashville Social Club, 1105 S. Carson St., Carson City Great party and Build2Win Annual Fundraiser. Thank you to our many donors and sponsors!

Property Tax Discussion

Saturday. September 16th at 10:30 in the Digatorium of the Carson City Library Get the facts about Property Taxes – who pays and who does not?

Prison Hill Recreation Park

Learn about the Prison Hill Recreation Park River Trail III on Friday, August 25th at 9 AM in the Ormbsy Room, 911 E. Musser St., Carson City